Designing Digital Products &
the Brands that power them
If there’s a project you’d like to talk about, please get in touch.
For the last 19 years Andy has worked in the Business of Design and the Design of Business.
He has lead award winning design projects for startups, big brands and organisations across Tech, Music, Fashion, Sport, Finance, Energy, Telecoms, Healthcare & Retail.
His craft is in UX/UI Design & Brand and he loves working at the intersection of those disciplines. He always champions new tools, methodologies & processes, and is the Co-Organiser of Decentralized Design, a community exploring the paradigm-shift in designing for blockchain.
Previously, Andy was Design Director at Chainspace, a Web3 Decentralised Blockchain start-up which struck a deal with Facebook's Libra in 2019. And before that he Co-Founded Digital Product Studio Head, which was acquired in 2016 by Zone who sold to Cognizant in 2017.
RT @dcentraldesign: Write up of our second event, Pizza Block is now up! Check out what blockchain can do for our identities and what i…
Write up of our second event, Pizza Block is now up! Check out what blockchain can do for our identities and what i…